Drummond History Continued
LET ME SAY A BIT MORE about my GRANDFATHER Thomas Marion Drummond. HIS SIBLINGS WERE Alma, Mary, Maudi, John and Cicero. He was from Copper Hill Tenn., but lived in Cherokee County GA for 55 years. HIS FUNERAL WAS HELD AT 10th street Methodist church in Atlanta. HE and Othalia had 9 children. The next to last born was my mother Mildred. HER younger sister was my AUNT Amelia. THE OTHER SIBLINGS were my aunts and uncles: Clifton died at age 2. BEN, Roy, Olin, Clarence, Helen, and Herbert. THOMAS MARION was a farmer, mine worker, and carpenter. MY MOTHER spoke little abput him but did say: He made them turn the lights out early at night. He died after prostate surgery in the state mental hospital in MILLIDGEVILLE. He taught sacred harp music and Christian Harmony Singing. HIS hymnbooks are in the Ga archives. HE WAS RED HEADED. He died st age 75 in 1954. I WAS AN INFANT. He is buried next to his wife Othalia in Westview Cemetery in WEST Atlanta.
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