Friday, December 10, 2021

Christmas as an Anniversary Reaction

Like many, I have often wondered why Christmas is so powerful. Over the years I have heard it is because of our overly high expectations or our idealized notions of what a perfect holiday is supposed to be. Of course these are true but I have wondered if there might be something more--something deeper. So I starting thinking about Christmas as an anniversary reaction. Anniversary reactions occur when we experience a significant anniversary and the memories and feelings associated with the original event come pouring forth from our unconscious into consciousness. Maybe this is what happens at Christmas. The Holiday is an anniversary. We have celebrated this day every year from the time we can remember. As a result all kinds of feelings get stirred up around it. Each year when this day rolls around we remember all the other years we have celebrated it--the good ones, the bad ones, and the in between ones. All kinds of feelings come gushing forth. One popular Christmas song says,"Christmas makes me feel emotional." That is true. I believe it is true because we experience Christmas as an anniversary reaction. So this year I would encourage you, when you are feeling all kinds of emotions at Christmas, to think of them as an anniversary reaction. May we all let the varied feelings of love, joy, dread, anxiety, depression, etc come to the forefront of our minds. May we embrace them. Attend to them. Let them come. And also try to understand them. If your feelings get too uncomfortable during the Christmas holidays then you might consider seeking out a therapist to help you work through them. Therapy can help when the anniversary reaction of Christmas becomes too emotionally overwhelming and the negative feelings come to predominate. I hope your Christmas emotional anniversary reaction this year is more pleasant than not, and that the positive feelings of this season much outweigh those that are more painful. Happy Holiday!


At November 30, 2022 at 5:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good insight Alan. I think you are on target. It is true when Patty & I drive up to Camp Merrie Woode to speak at chapel during the summer. I found it also to be present when I attended my 50th high school reunion in the spring. My reaction is as much connected to history as it is to the current moment.

At November 30, 2022 at 1:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks John. It is also called socially acceptable regression, where we go back in our minds to an earlier time. Ok as ling as we do not stay there!!

At December 9, 2023 at 6:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watching the movie it is "a wonderful life" helps me stay in touch with the idealistic feelings and anticipations of Christmas pasts and this upcoming one, but also the dark feelings Jimmy Stewart so well plays out to a point and then is able to rejoice and experience Christmas.

At December 9, 2023 at 7:21 AM , Blogger Scott R. Stahlecker said...

"Anniversary reaction." It's a good expression. Most of my memories about Christmas are good ones. But your post made me think that Christmas for me is a time of giving, forgiveness, and a fresh start with family on the next year.

At December 9, 2023 at 9:21 AM , Anonymous Alan Melton said...

Yes. Christmas is a mixed bag of feelings. I love the way A Christmas Carol shows it with the various ghosts!

At December 9, 2023 at 9:24 AM , Anonymous Alan Memton said...

Thanks Scott. My Christmas Season has also been primarily positive. Out of 70 ones only 3 have had major losses.


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