" Have fun, Son"
Since it is Mother's Day weekend I thought I might say a word about my Mom. " Have fun, son" was my Mom's phrase. And my Mom did have fun! She had fun with her five children. Fun making our clothes. Fun creating great Holloween costumes. Fun gardening. Fun in her ceramic shop. Fun fishing, etc., etc, etc. My Mom was fun, Enjoyable. Delightful. Shy in some ways. Insecure in others. But she loved her Children and her friends. My Mom married young, raised five kids, cooked most of our meals, and hauled us around to football practice and piano lessons. My Dad worked alot. My Mom kept the home fires burning. I worked in my yard today. Got that from my Mom. I also went trout fishing today. Got that from my Mom as well. I made a flower arrangement from my flower garden for my wife for Mother's Day today. Got that from my Mom as well. She was quite the artist, quite the crafts person. She also refinished furniture. Got that from her as well. When I think about how I raised my daughters, I think of my Mom. When I hope I treat my friends with kindness and sensitivity, I think of my Mom. When I think I am getting too big for my britches, I think of my Mom. She had a way of bringing you right back down to earth when you got the big head! My Mom was anything but arrogant--full of care and full of love. So on this Mother's Day weekend 2024, I remember the guidance of my Mom. Her advice was always," Have Fun son."
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