" Be a Leader, Son"
" As Father's Day 2024 approaches, I am aware of some guidance my Father gave me growing up: "Be a Leader, Son." That is what my Dad always said. He was a leader and he believed his children should be leaders as well. My Father was the President of so many clubs and oranizations, I cannot remember them all. I do recall he was the Mayor of the small town we lived in growing up. I guess I took his leadership advice seriously, because when I reflect back over my life, I too always sought out leadership positions in whatever organization I was involved in....... My first leadership position was as a Hall Patrol in elementary school. You had to be in the 6 th or 7 th grade to be a Hall Patrol. We got to wear a white shoulder strap with a gold badge that said " Patrol" on it. Our job was to monitor the school hallways before and after school to make sure no one ran or got hurt. I do not recall how I got picked for this first leadership job, but I do remember I was happy to do it and enjoyed it. Why? I am not sure. The sense of power? Responsibility? Influence? I am not entirely sure. But it must have been enjoyable or I would not have done it......I also realized in this first leadership job that being a leader can also have rewards. In my 7th grade year all the Hall Patrols got to go on a field trip by train to Washington D.C. Had I never been a Patrol I would have not taken that first train ride out of the state of GA to the Capital of the USA! The next leadership position I recall holding was Outstanding Line Backer on my little league football team. I do not think I was team captain, but I did get a trophy that year..... Next came being President of the Youth Group at my Church. I was 16 as I recall. I also became the Church Pianist at that time and got paid for playing the piano each week at Church. I also decided to teach all my neices and nephews piano lessons. I further played guitar and sang in the Church Praise Band. My leadership role in our Young Life organization was also as guitar player..... It was also at this time a friend and I started our own Rock n Roll Band. I ran for Vice President of my Senoir Class that year but lost that position to my opponent.... The next leadership position was in college. I became a Resident Assistant for my dorm. At the same time I became the State Baptist Student Union President. The next year, my senoir year in college, I became the local BSU President.I further served as a summer youth minister in three different churches while in college. For all this leadership I received the Jaycees Layman of the Year Award..... Once in Seminary I became the President of our State organization. Later on in Seminary I won the Student Preaching Award. When I became an associate pastor I headed up a Life Skills Committee for Students in the community. For that leadership effort I won another leadership award from the local Jaycees...... When I moved into the pastorate, and began to lead my Church, I also became President of the Local Lions Club and the local Ministerial Association. I further took a leadersip position in the State Pastor's Association, as well as helping to mobilize our state pastors in the fight against a fundamentalist take over of our denomination. Once I moved into Pastoral Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, I became the Executive Director of our pastoral counseling center, and further won an award for leadership from the local Mental Health Association. I later became President of that Association. I was also the pianist for our local Rotary Club for 20 years, and chaired the Scholarship Committee. From there I served in several leadership roles with the American Association of Pastoral Counselors, the Virginia Psychoanalytic Society, and the American Psychoanalytic Association: I was asked to be president of the Virginia Psychoanalytic Society but I felt only psychoanalysts should hold that position. In our Counseling Center I served as both Clinical and Training Director. It was an additional joy to train fourteen student therapists in psychoanalytic psychotherapy...... So, evidently I took my Dad's advice seriously to " Be a leader, Son." I must say his guidance has served me well. I have enjoyed leadership. I have enjoyed learning about it and teaching it to others. Many opportinities for growth and positive influence have come my way as a result of leadersip positions. I guess, because of my Dad's guidance, and my own propensities, it could not have been otherwise. William Wordsworth was right. " The Child is the Father of the Man"..... Happy Father's Day to my leader Dad, from his leader Son.
Well done brother!
Thanks ! That Father of ours was quite an influence and example!!
Yes they are😊👍
Really good observations Alan, and a really nice compliment to IB. He was a very positive influence for leadership. Did the rest of your brothers and sisters follow that advice?
Thanks for the positive feedback John! My siblings took on some leadership positions but not nearly to the extent I did. Guess I followed most in my Father's footsteps when it came to leading others.
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