Saturday, September 4, 2021

Freud's Couch

 Here is a pic of Freud's infamous couch ( That was later moved to the London Museum. Freud lived the last year of his life in London.) Of course psychoanalysts continue to use couches to lie on today, but they are usually not quite this elaborate. You have probably seen them in movies or cartoons or you may have laid on one yourself. Interesting story about the origin of Freud's couch. It was given to him by a patient who thought it might be more comfortable than a chair. Freud covered in in afghans and placed one on the wall as well so patients would feel protected and comfortable. He first used the couch when he was hypnotizing all his patients. After he gave up on hypnotism he kept using it as a means of relaxation for the patient so they could let their stream of consciousness come through in talk therapy. Freud called this method of doing talk therapy while lying on a couch-- Free Association.

May be an image of indoor
Bill Huffman and David Moore


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